2002-07-23 16:50:44 ET

A couple of things:

Eine: If my chick is reading this and her AIM is freaking out like it usually does she should eMail me:

Zwei: SK users, check out this amusing game Seraphina and I are playing...

und Drei: If a certain somebody does so much as either get Courier as a font or put an AlphaSmart in her background, I'm going teh be scared......

2002-07-24 13:48:58 ET

hahaha...nah..i'm not very fancy with my journal;) although that is pretty damn cool.

2002-07-26 07:44:55 ET

Yesh...I member sticking my Alphasmart in there and scanning it still...I didn't think The text was going to come up and I'm glad it did...Glad you likey...

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