I just realized
2003-04-17 15:27:30 ET

fuck. I actually have to TRY to get into a decent college. this just foils all of my plans!

2003-04-17 15:37:34 ET


2003-04-17 15:38:54 ET

bitch. no.

2003-04-17 15:41:56 ET


2003-04-17 15:44:13 ET

I would hope. but if I keep being uberlazy child.

2003-04-17 15:47:01 ET

It's usually easier to get into a bigger university if you go to a community college first. If you can think you can get in without it though, that's good too. Good luck..

2003-04-17 16:54:44 ET

Just work at McDonalds. It's a good future.

2003-04-17 22:24:45 ET


I don't know why, but that made me laugh alot.


2003-04-18 08:46:47 ET

when you apply to U of M just say this and they will let you in:

dodge swinger, 1973..... top down, chasis low.... t minus whenever it feels right...... JESUS ON THE DASH BOARD !!

2003-04-18 12:03:39 ET

YAY! sounds like a plan...

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