this is not the first time I've just missed meeting these guys
2007-10-30 14:38:30 ET

I'm rather upset, I just found out that the Mythbusters made another visit to Ames last week and I missed them in the cafeteria by a matter of moments.
Apparently they were there to find out if someone untrained in flight could land a 747.

2007-10-30 14:58:02 ET


2007-10-30 17:20:32 ET

ooooh. i would love to meet adam and jamie... geniuses. and tory too because he's cuuuute :P

2007-10-30 17:29:23 ET

You have idea the crush I have on Kari.

2007-10-30 17:34:11 ET

and oh my god. when i googled "kari byron" just now to find that^ i saw a lottttt more of her i was not expecting to see. woah. haha.
all my guy friends drool over her too.

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