Never seen this before...
2007-07-24 18:42:57 ET

Photo taken by *khaosdog
They are a very talented artist so I would check out their page on dA. :)

So I thought that this was really neat. I never knew that white crows existed. Its a really pretty bird. The picture also made me think of my friend, who is very fond of crows.I am going to have to find out some more information about these creatures. :)

2007-07-24 21:03:30 ET

That is really neat!

2007-07-25 05:21:13 ET

I thought so I just wish I could find more information on it. I want to sound smart when Dr. Hex gets back to the real world and I can tell him about it. lol :)

2007-07-25 07:39:06 ET


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