music says it better than i can:
2004-02-10 20:28:59 ET

come for the week
you can sleep in my bed
and pass through my life
like a dream through my head
it will be easy
i'll make it easy....

2004-02-10 20:38:12 ET

holy jesus. that sounds exactly how my next week will be.
phhs silly melodrama

2004-02-17 08:19:04 ET

hey woman long time no chat =P check you messages on here!!

2004-02-20 08:46:13 ET

nicsinn, you divine ho! god, how i miss you. we still speak of you incessantly. HOW CAN I GET IN TOUCH WITH YOU??! i need a phone number or something, chick. we needta talk. much, much love.

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