gator is my co-pilot
2003-04-21 14:36:24 ET

so we went on a little road trip up north. when we got there weird stuff happened...

well, it was too rainy to sleep by the lake, so we slept in this place:

<fucked up link>

there's noa and meirav chunkin down on some eggs.
anyhow, then we pretty much drove around for a while, and climbed up this hill. i like hills. but then again, i also like skippy+cuecumbrs+tomatoes sandwiches, so go figure.

so thats noa on bunker gate six. threatening.
and then i made some coffee. again.

and then on the way home i freaked out and went on a killing spree:

last but not least, i wanna thank my navi-gator:

thats it. not much, but i'm way too tired...

2003-04-21 18:04:27 ET

hehehe... your trip sounds great! i like the pictures, though i can't see the first one...
the picture of Noa in the bunker is my favorite! :)

2003-04-22 02:34:22 ET

the link is fucked up for some reason.
yhea, thats my fav too!!!!

2003-04-22 05:28:46 ET

Your navagator looks like a real hardass :)

2003-04-22 07:14:29 ET

welcome back!

2003-04-22 08:42:07 ET

Thanks dude :-D

2003-04-22 09:09:14 ET

hey! where is my Bunker Funker pic???

2003-04-22 12:18:17 ET

i'll send it to ya

2003-04-23 03:36:05 ET

mail me :)

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