We are Kultured!
2003-09-01 12:58:24 ET

Heres the first promo picture of the new hit sitcom called:
    Kultured With Mad Chix

Airing in New York City the next time we all meet.

2003-09-01 13:54:58 ET

hehehehe silly pictures

2003-09-01 15:14:29 ET


downloading of more pix about to commense!

2003-09-02 18:30:35 ET


2003-09-03 07:25:55 ET

I love that picture of the "I fucked Mick Jagger" shirt. Because the shirt has a picture of David Bowie on it. I sorta wish I'd bought it. :D

2003-09-03 09:37:14 ET

Good picture of you Cate. :)

2003-09-03 11:32:38 ET

thanks. I hate all pictures of me.

2003-09-03 13:02:19 ET

I'm the same way, I fear the wedding pictures.

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