2003-12-27 11:52:40 ET

So, this is what happened last night.
I ran off to queens to goto this party that my older friend Bob (Conspiracy Bob) informed me about. He alluded to me on the phone that their would be M4D_CH1X there but there was only 0LD_CH1X. I brought some Suprasoda and Mozerralla which seemed to hit on really well with the other guest. I also helped myself to the various drinks on the the table. The eggnog tasted quite handsomely, so did the scotch, rum and etc...
The other quest seemed pretty cool. Micheal, the host seemed quite intriguing. He's this old guy that did UN work in Havana. It was also nice talking to these West Africans. They were a young married couple. The man could only understand half of what I was saying considering he speaks french and I was slurring some of my words.
Getting home was a little weird but I got home by 3:30am. Yes, it was a very weird trip.

2003-12-27 12:49:46 ET

...wrinkly..... how fun. haha

2003-12-27 12:57:47 ET

lol. There was one or two younger CH1X but it was one of those "adult" thingies. A text book dinner party. I got M4D_DRUNX!

2003-12-27 14:00:48 ET

hmm i've never tasted eggnogg.
conspiracy bob,hehe
I had a friend we used to call "combat chuck"


2003-12-27 14:38:04 ET

Conspiracy Bob is an old man who got the name because he tells these stories about the great conspiracies of the world. I was riding the train with him and he was still talking to me about the aliens with a straight face even though I kept making these dumb faces and kept giggling. I didn't mean too either, I was just extremely out of control because of substance.

2003-12-28 15:34:38 ET

hehe.wow. There is an uncle in my family who has lots of conspiracy theories, nobody takes him seriously but sometimes i think he might be right.

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