2004-01-08 13:14:40 ET

I spent the first post holiday week of my break being the nerdy laos that I am. During each day this week, I stared at code, electronic schmatics that I really don't understand and Star Trek. I'm making some progress in my studies of PERL and guitar effects. I've been trying to wake up earlier than 1:30 in the afternoon so that I could be in touch with a normal schedule like every other tax paying american.

In other news, I went to the 2600 meet/party last friday evening. It was a really 'Xtreme' party, more 'Xtreme' than most that I've been too. It's not like I had M4D_S3X or anything but it was still M4D_FUN!

I visited Mitch on Monday evening to drop off his Krebstar stickers. While at his abode, he showed me R.O.T.O.R, the best worst movie ever! We also had a few laughs staring at a certain aol hometown page. Fun times!

As for my worries, I need to figure out what I'm doing this summer. I might be in school to make up some credits. I havent been doing my best during the last two and a half years at my school and it's time that I get going next semester. My financial situation isn't too good either and I'm obviously not working during the next two weeks since I never got on the job hunt soon enough.

I either goto school or work for the summer. If I goto school, I have to take out more loans to pay for it. If I work, I just have to make sure I apply for jobs early. I could probably wait as late as march to do all this but I better do it. What I'm really hoping for is that I get hooked up with a work study, a paid internship or anything in my field of study instead of some shitty mall job. A code job would be nice if they existed for me. I'm quite fearful that I have no chance at any of this but I gotta try.

My main concern is that I might be in school one more semester or year than planned. I have no idea if I can pay for that yet.

I've also been practicing my guitar alot more, but I don't think I'll ever focus enough to be great or even good.

2004-01-13 13:36:21 ET

ay me. good luck with deciding on what to do. get your act together for school my dear! <3

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