21 Years
2004-04-21 09:04:58 ET

Well, today's my birthday. So far, good.

Let me tell you a story about Monday morning...

The plan was to study up some Math on the ferry before the day's midterm but someone recognized my Rush shirt and I recognized his. He was wearing the Vapor Trails shirt. We ended up talking about Rush for half the trip. My friend Krissey was with me as well (who's never really heard much of The Big Three's Music), so our new friend spoke with Krissey about misc. other things for the second half of the trip. It was funny because he was talking about thug like things and he would pause every so often to note how the conversation started with RUSH Who wants to see them at Jones Beach or PNC with me during the summer?

2004-04-21 13:04:41 ET

Happy Birthday!!!

2004-04-21 13:19:28 ET

Happy Birthday!

I'm not the biggest Rush fan but I wouldnt mind seeing them live.

2004-04-21 19:39:06 ET



2004-04-22 02:06:13 ET

Happy Birthday <3

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