2003-05-04 10:21:01 ET

Artist? -> Metallica
Is this name ok (Y/n)? y

Album? -> Black Album
Is this title ok (Y/n)? y

Year? -> 1991

Genre? -> jazz
Is this genre ok (Y/n)?

What do you think?

2003-05-04 10:24:28 ET

if jazz means shit, then yes

2003-05-04 10:33:49 ET

Jazz doesn't mean shit! I've been meaning to listen to some "jazz" for awhile. As for metallica being a shit band... each of them just needs a big giant smack upside the head. Maybe then, they'll get back to their senses.

This picture for example does not look like a jazz band or a metal band for that matter. That picture belongs to a group of rappers!

2003-05-04 10:36:36 ET

that picture is HILARIOUS

2003-05-04 11:55:47 ET

Jazz rules.

That picture really is hilarious.

2003-10-26 16:05:05 ET

Yep, "All hotties eat the jizz!"

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