hahaha there's a shocker
2004-12-08 23:43:15 ET

Anger. You are angry and not afraid to let the rest
of us feel the wrath of it. It's eating your
insides like fire and will eventually consume
you if you don't curve it.

What's on the inside?
brought to you by Quizilla

2004-12-08 23:47:14 ET

Peace. Somewhere, you've picked up a real piece
that most of the rest of us just don't have.
You're not inclined to hurt anyone or allow
yourself to be hurt by meaningless words. You
are very lucky.

What's on the inside?
brought to you by Quizilla

2004-12-10 05:38:35 ET

i tried to do the quiz but the school computers wont let me...

2004-12-10 22:45:15 ET


2004-12-11 00:52:09 ET

Hurt. Someone has hurt you badly and though you
won't show it, it has left you a hollow shell.
You are simply pretending to exist.

What's on the inside?
brought to you by Quizilla

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