2021-06-16 00:09:56 ET

big ups to my iphone’s autofill feature for really wanting me to check up on sunglasshut.com instead of subkultures.net

2021-06-16 03:25:11 ET

They don't know! Maybe we're just not as important anymore to the rest of the world.

2021-06-16 09:56:25 ET

Those are still around? Weren't they in every mall in this country at one time?

2021-06-16 13:48:34 ET

yep. and apparently they are still around - though i would have never known weren’t it for safari autocompleting it everytime i type “su” into the address bar. though funny now that i try it again it’s autocompleting subkultures instead finally - so either it’s learned or it’s just fucking with me. 🤷‍♂️

2021-06-18 07:51:28 ET


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