2022-08-06 16:53:51 ET

as i predicted, 2 years after 2020, san francisco is now seeing a mass influx of people again. those who left for flyover country during the shamdemic have hit the "find out" phase of their "fuck around and find out" plan of moving to literally anywhere else in america for Freedom®, as they've found out how economically impossible 99.9% of "literally anywhere else in america" is and how fake the advertised Freedom® is as well.

having now inevitably lost their remote jobs, and their decent SF wages along with them, people are now stuck in areas that only pay crap, only have crap jobs and not many of them, only have crap public school systems for their kids (leaving the only decent option to spend thousands on private school) and of course there's only crap-if-any-at-all public transit infrastructure in most of flyover country as well, so they've now been forced to pay out the ass to own a car and drive everywhere - a circumstance made extra special thanks to biden's Freedom® brand HyperInflation™ and flyover country's absolute lack of any reasonable financial protections or social safety nets plus already inflated cost of shipping goods to.

essentially stranded, people are, of course, now clamoring to come back, or just come here in the first place, since they're out of options otherwise.

i guess, at the very least, some people who've spent their entire lives in northern california, relatively isolated from and failing to understand how much of a complete and total failed state the US has more broadly become, have now had their rude awakening.

as for the broader US, at this point i honestly have zero clue what it's going to take to turn things around. but hey mississippi has now somehow managed to implement scandinavia's socialized housing program and eradicate homelessness in the state. so maybe there's hope.

2022-08-09 08:05:37 ET

Freedom® brand HyperInflation™
You have been taxed. Thank you for your totally voluntary contribution to my lexicon.

I disagree with the assertion that "fly-over country" is a monolithic swath of failed state, BUT - I can see why you think that.

For real, it's hard out here and I often wonder what I'll do if (or most likely when) the tech gravy train hits my stop and boots me out. Fortunately I have a network in place that I'm sure can pick me up and get me employed in some capacity eventually - most likely a trade - but for people who have lived in X their entire lives and moved to Y cuz it's cheap on the assumption that they'll be employed perpetually doing Z and only Z is setting themselves up to fail.

It takes different skills to succeed in different environments and if you don't account for that and have a Plan B or take the time to establish and develop support networks, well... not sure what else could be done.

The width and breadth of America may all be the same country, but it is definitely not all the same place, y'know?

2022-08-09 10:13:54 ET

oh i didn’t say all of flyover country is a monolithic swath of failed state. only 99.9% of it. (; and TBF chunks of the coasts certainly are too - LA and seattle have both fallen off a cliff, hell, new york seems to have all but gone to absolute shit at this point too. though one can still make ok money living there which can’t be said about most other places.

being near chicago you’re in one of those rare pockets with a bit more options than most places. though you’re also not very far from what chris hedges refer to as some of the “sacrifice zones” - which account for an increasing amount of middle america and the south predominantly.

and, yes, america may as well be multiple countries within itself. it’s massively segregated and people end up stuck in isolated pockets completely clueless to how things operate elsewhere. this is by design - keep people poor enough to stay stuck where they are and then endlessly propagandize them to think everywhere else, especially places where they would have more opportunities for economic freedom, must actually be worse somehow for reasons.

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