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2004-04-21 06:04:17 ET man....punk rock prom almost sucked as much as a real high school dance. The evening started off to be promising, but nah. My fucking dumbass homie ate some "boom boom dingerz" and got all sick and pukey. As a result, i only got to see one set, and that band kinda blew balls. Oh well, maybe next year will be better. on the plus side though, we saw a fat, redneck pimp and some nasty saggy titty hoe. it was hilarious.
crepe paper wonderland | |
2004-04-16 08:13:15 ET punk rock prom tonight, owwwwww
2004-04-13 07:45:21 ET today, i am a very sad becky.
mmmmm brains | |
2004-03-30 07:30:44 ET anyone seen the new DAWN OF THE DEAD movie, i thought it was pretty friggin sweet. Not as gory or hokey as the original, but still, quality.
2004-03-29 08:37:54 ET hey guys, whats crack'n?
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