2004-06-22 18:03:10 ET

my brother broke into someone's house with his friend and they stold laundry detergent and a swifter... what the shit

2004-06-22 19:58:38 ET


Some guys last week stole the truck part of a tractor trailer, worth about $40k or something like that. Then yesterday they came back and stole the trailer which had over $100k of laundry detergent in it...

The laundry detergent was worth more than the truck!

2004-06-22 20:08:24 ET

well how um....grand

2004-06-23 03:56:31 ET

Haha. Back in the day I broke into some kid's house with my ex-bf Colin and my friend Noah.. they were taking things you'd expect them to take, like his PS2 and DVDS and whatnot, but I took a pillow and a chesspiece, because I'm a bad person.

2004-06-23 05:34:47 ET

not the pillowcase!

2004-06-23 06:07:55 ET

hey man, those pillows were soft as hell.

2004-06-23 09:01:28 ET

oh my.
if it makes you feel better my brother torched a car, and got caught.

2004-06-23 13:48:23 ET

i heard about that mel

man i need new pillows

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