2003-11-24 20:11:22 ET

soo....cold....took ashby out for a walk and MAN...20 minutes and i'm frozen through....ready to curl up into bed...

hooray for tom waits :]

2003-11-25 11:55:28 ET

I know!! I hate this weather, babble. You feeling better now?

2003-11-25 14:37:42 ET

hooray for tome waits indeed!

he 0wnz0rz.

2003-11-25 16:04:00 ET

oh, yeah...feeling much better :]

2003-11-26 15:53:56 ET

I would take Abby [meh doggie here] out for a walk, but it's too durn cold. How do you survive? :D

2003-11-26 17:56:32 ET

it's not snowy here :P

2003-11-28 09:33:06 ET

It's not here yet, thank goodness.

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