Fight Club
2007-03-19 08:58:21 ET

So I just became the manager of my school's Fight CLub. No, seriously. I'm setting up matches for the spring, and I plan to sell tickets, concessions, etc. I'm gonna make a profit off of this.

2007-03-19 23:28:25 ET

Whoa, another hell of first post. Welcome.

And try not to get too much blood on your shirt.

2007-03-20 07:23:34 ET

Everyone knows the 6th rule of Fight Club is No Shirts, No Shoes.

2007-03-20 21:27:43 ET

Unless you're bob.

2007-04-06 17:27:43 ET

Whoamg people responding. Whaddoido? Uhm..uhm...*runz*

Anyways, yeah I didnt really feel like doing much with this so..I didnt. The site that is.

2007-04-06 17:58:29 ET

It looks alright. Just have fun with it. It's a pretty cool, laid back community here.

2007-04-15 15:33:44 ET


My ADD shows quite a bit dunnit? It seems alright here, but I just realized I only joined like...Myspace n' stuff cause I knew a bunch of people. None of my friends go on here so...iunno. Tis a bit different.

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