2009-11-16 20:24:57 ET

just wanted to update everyone. On 11/11 Marleigh Mae Stone was born by c-section weighing 10lbs and 8oz and measuring 21 1/2inches long.
My cervix wouldnt desend I was induced due to high blood pressure, I was in labor via pit drip for 12 hours with no pain relief which is what I wanted.
I was completely heartbroken to learn that I was going to have to have a c-section, I still cry about it because I was trying so hard for a natural, drug-free birth. It was a good thing though. When they pulled her out we discovered the umbelical cord was wrapped around her neck 3 times and she had a huge birth weight. All is well here, just tried. I love being a mother and I love breastfeeding.
heres a picture....


2009-11-17 01:52:19 ET

(: congrats

2009-11-17 07:49:43 ET

wow shes beautiful!

2009-11-19 17:57:08 ET

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I was just thinking about you, and I can't believe I missed this!!!

She is so precious! You're a Mommy!! I hope everything has gone wonderfully since the birth! How are things?

Wait, so you had 12 hours of pit with NO medication?? You go girl!

2009-11-20 04:17:48 ET

you go girl!

yay baby!! enjoy your daughter! sounds like you did amazing.

you may hear people tell you that you have a healthy baby and that's all that matters -- i'm here to validate YOUR feelings too. =) it's natural to be upset about a change of plans.

heal well! take care of yourself. =)

2009-12-01 04:11:21 ET

thank you all!!

Karis- yes, 12hrs of pit with no meds, i just breathed through contractions and all was well. things are going better now, after her birth and I was home I started retaining fluid really bad, it was backing up in my lungs, which made me feel like shit, and so I went back to the dr and got fluid pills and within 7 days I lost almost 20lbs of fluid. Now I'm much better. being a mother is the most natural feeling thing I've ever done. I'm loving every moment.

Michael- thank you, beside typing about it, i couldnt even talk about the csection for almost 2 weeks without sobbing. i tried so hard to have her naturally, and I know now there was a high chance that she might not have made it through a natural birth, but the whole csection sucks, it takes a while to heal, I couldnt get up to change her diaper the 1st 2 days, i couldnt go and watch her 1st thing that i did get to do is breastfeed her. as soon as I got in the recovery room they brought her in for me to nurse her, and she was so alert and latched and fed for over 45 minutes. I had no visitors the day I was in labor and had her. It was just my mom and Jason, and they were soo wonderful, and the nurse I had that day was the sweetest and most helpful. as far as the hospital experience 99% of the doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff was excellent.

2009-12-01 06:40:08 ET

CONGRATS!!! sorry so late!!!!!!!!

2009-12-01 07:54:40 ET

i can only imagine! you can look up an ICAN support group if you feel like you need some support from women who have BTDT. =)

2009-12-02 09:41:42 ET

thank you tairyn.

micheal, whats btdt?

2009-12-02 10:20:53 ET

been there done that.

2009-12-02 13:03:12 ET


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