2003-07-04 14:46:31 ET

No show today. I don't feel up to it.

2003-07-04 14:58:52 ET

that's too bad.

2003-07-04 15:57:52 ET

party pooper

2003-07-05 00:02:38 ET


2003-07-05 13:00:34 ET

youre going to shower instead?

2003-07-05 14:55:07 ET

i never showered yesterday, that's how bad of a mood i was in.

grumpy Cynthia = stinky Cynthia

2003-07-05 14:59:51 ET

sorry to hear that...

2003-07-05 15:06:44 ET

eh...i'm over it. i bathed today. :-D

2003-07-05 20:42:07 ET

are you djing at all girl night next week?

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