Art Project
2005-03-08 11:25:16 ET

"Artist Brochure Designs

Choose three artists form the following list to create a brochure that showcases the artists' life and work
1) Toulouse-Lautrec
2) Norman Rockwell
3) Seymour Chwast
4) Milton Glaser
5) Maurice Sendak
6) N.C. Wyeth
7) Ben Shahn
8) Alphonse Mucha
9) Paul Davis
10) Paul Rand
11) Saul Bass"

there's alot more directions and requirements ... about a page and a half. i just wanted to ask anybody... especially Malkavian, and any other SK artists if they know anything about the above artists. if you know anything interesting about these people please make it known. thank you.

on top of this project i also have a poster i have to make for a "Grease" performance at my school. and then i also have two other projects on top of that... all for the same ......... class. the first brochure is due this friday, i dont know when the second one is due or the third one. the poster is due on monday and the other project is due on tuesday im sure... i dont know but the teacher asked me why i never get anything done on time.... o_O .... right.. what a fabulous question. i thought teachers were suposed to be smart. shes a cool person other wise. ::sigh:: i guess i have to do the research in the little time im at home and put everything together in the hour and a half i have in class... otherwise it wont get finished in time. . . ugh.

2005-03-08 14:49:36 ET

search for them.

2005-03-08 15:34:57 ET

i have to build a bottle rocket in 2 days.. i dont know why they give us such little time to complete tasks

2005-03-08 20:23:15 ET

I'm disgusted that Monet isn't on there. ;)

2005-03-09 12:16:27 ET

sorry beauty, but i didnt make the list.
ill check soon klem
i know what you mean faithy

2005-03-09 13:25:20 ET

heh.. bottle rockets.. that reminds me of what i did on new years with james friends with the metal tubes and fire works..shooting them at trees.. heh heh... burn!! burn!!!

2005-03-09 13:59:18 ET

oh yeah when you burned yerself.... that was fun to hear about... you know without the burning and all. please remind me of the fun

2005-03-10 10:02:50 ET

it was exciting!

2005-03-14 10:23:31 ET

that was such a great story thanks for re-telling it. ::nods:: i have been reminded now. ::nods again:: its all so clear to me now, thanx faithy.

2005-03-14 15:18:29 ET

youre welcome!!... ha.. heh..heh

2005-03-17 12:22:22 ET

Faithy did you take my keys this morning? cause i lost them some time today and i had to walk around lokking for them (in heels) for about oh... til 3:30. that would be about an hour of searching, going to every class, your locker, the cafeteria, searching the parking lot 3 or 4 times, i still cant feel my finger tips or my feet, except for the excrutiating pain in the part of my foot between the toes and the sole. if you have my keys faith i will love you for about a minute and then ill cut your head off after i move my feet a centimeter. ... im not really crazy i figure you dont have them but i have to make sure.

2005-03-17 12:52:42 ET

no i didnt take ur keys, if you cant find them, how did you get home!?

2005-03-19 04:48:34 ET

haha i already ansered you so i dont have to now!

2005-03-20 02:20:41 ET

well, then... arent you little miss.... smart.. person

2005-03-23 13:01:40 ET

::cries from faith's comment:: your so mean

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