the prelude
2005-07-14 15:38:38 ET

Testing, testes, I think I'll type whatever else should be entered here later. For now, I'm just going to put my brain into idle mode and observe.

2005-07-14 15:51:18 ET

Welcome =)

2005-07-14 16:39:50 ET

Yes welcome

2005-07-14 16:46:30 ET

wow someone else who seems to read anus. props.

2005-07-14 16:49:01 ET


2005-07-14 17:08:55 ET

hey, welcome to sk!

2005-07-14 21:54:13 ET

Welcome to subkultures.

2005-07-15 03:22:07 ET

Thanks, y'all. ^_^

2005-07-15 09:25:17 ET


2005-07-16 18:37:15 ET

welcome to sk!

2005-07-17 20:13:11 ET

Welcome aboard.

2005-07-17 21:03:52 ET

Danke', danke', danke'. :)

2005-07-18 10:22:25 ET

Welcome, you'll absolutely love it.

2005-07-18 21:43:37 ET

Oooh! Idle brain! I digs it. Welcome to SK...

2005-08-11 10:54:20 ET

welcome to SK ... I'm uber late per usual. Idle brains are good :D Mine is going to be idle mush for the next two weeks.

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