2006-03-15 17:12:08 ET

Last two nights I went in, and somehow kicked the crap out of couple people. It was awesome. I know it's all owed to luck, but still. Also, if you want more info on the place we play try

2006-03-04 16:48:21 ET

I went to a Batizado a couple of weeks ago. It was fucking awesome. There is supposed to be another in Las Cruces on the 17th but I can't afford to go. My own isn't untill October *sob*. If you're all highspeed and shit you can see the guys I trained with at the Batizado at

Ye! Capoeira!
2006-03-04 11:05:46 ET

Update: I left Fong's Wing Chun, started Bujinkan Taijutsu, quit that, and am now practicing Capoeira.

Last night was the first time I was able to go into the roda (besides that one time we were doing maculele). I was super excited even if Lola totally schooled me. I was going to go in again but the music started getting really fast while Santos & Jorge were going at it and they got real close to full contact, so I was a little iffy on trying my hand at that.

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