2003-05-25 12:14:57 ET
the text files for today are:

I recently have be ordained by a second religious group, this time by the Church of Spiritual Humanism, here's there manifesto, or at least one of which i was able to dig up...


Robert Anton Wilson is in basic terms one of the few human beings i continually find myself in agreance with, he was a ground breaker for our generation a long time before we became what we are now, one of the elder gods of the counter culture mindset that i adhere to, i put him in league with Burroughs, Ginsberg, Leary, P. K. Dick, W. Gibson, and so on, one of the great figures that has altered the course of todays fringe intelligencia, here is an excerpt from his famous book Cosmic Trigger, dealing with the 8 Circuit Model of conscienceness fostered by Leary, who basically improved upon Dr. Ericsons 4 circuit model...


knowedge is not created but mutated...

     2003-05-24 23:46:31 ET
its unfortunate to think about, but i will most likely never succeed in my goal of becoming legally insane...besides the LSD technicallity...

i, being an insomniac with internet access, talk to a lot of people on IMs and recently i have had this disturbing trend of running into people from very large scene's (portland, seattle, chicago, new york) who keep for some reason ditching my attempts at deeper conversations, usually they tell me that they talk about that stuff too much....weird...is it just indianapolis that is lacking on interesting and intelligent people...that kind of makes me feel like an emmissary here really...i feel like i'm here to help out all the kids coming up in the subkultures, and to ofcourse freak out the pinks....i don't know if i would actually want to be in a big scene city, i kind of enjoy the fact that the scene's are small enough that there is a lot of intermingling between all of the sub genre's.... i don't think i could live any other way....

be a fish in a lake of fish or be a fish in an aquarium i guess....

     2003-05-23 23:06:57 ET


     2003-05-19 13:54:14 ET
i found a cathartic expressive way of working out my depression/angst/funk....

there is just something soothing about listening to PUNK music as loud as possible and kicking random shit all over your apartment...

tonight i think i'm going to try and get into a screaming match with a complete stranger...

     2003-05-19 00:22:01 ET

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