2003-12-16 18:04:46 ET

One down, three more to go.


Greg Land.
2003-12-14 15:38:55 ET

If you'd allow me to clue you all in on whats going on in Tetesuro Land, I believe you will be entertained for the duration that you read this post. For one thing, I've been away for almost the last week. Tuesday will be my first final and thursday will be my last. My family celebrates christmas early, by next weekend, since thats the day my mom has off from work. I have to do pretty well on my finals or else I may have nothing to celebrate. If all goes as planned, I will be off from school for a pretty long time until the beginning of the spring semester. I've be stuck in minisessions during the last two winter breaks. I shall find work to take up this time and make the much needed money to pay myself back for the new guitar I just brought.
Its a great instrument! Its an
    Ibanez artcore.

I got that, the case and the roland practice amp for about $440. Not a bad deal considering I got a really nice case and ride home out of it.
I went christmas shopping with/for my mom last night. There happened to be M4D_CH1X all over the mall too. Just which M4D_CH1CK do I pick is the question. Eh, most of 'em are just lame preppie ch1x anyway. In the words of Duke Nuekem, "I need to get some" know.

2003-12-12 07:56:20 ET

Speaking of industrial bands, has anyone else ever come across G/Z/R?

2003-12-05 17:36:37 ET

Matt gets M4D CH1X while I just sulk in my whooper.

2003-12-03 08:20:32 ET

I don't think I can make it to that maiden show. $70 is a bit too steep... unless they mean $70 for two tix.

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