Stubborn as hell...2004-06-13 20:00:05 ET

I should be in bed right now.
But I haven't posted in ages.
So here I am. Posting. And I haven't much to say. I've been feeling a wave of blechness lately. I find I don't have very much to share.

When I have something that's worthwhile mentioning, I will.
Til then, be good to yourselves. In a masochistic way if you so choose...
1 comment

Fever!2004-06-01 04:40:13 ET the mornin', fever all thru the night...

goin' to the doctor today. don' wannna go
haven't been to a sawbones in years. i'm young and invincible so i don't need a doctor. I have an equation to prove it:

youth=invincibility=me QED

ergo, I have no need for doctors.

Anyway. I'm at home today. Which means I get to spend a little bit of time in front of the computer for a change. How's everybody been doing?
I'm moving in with theGirl at the end of July. Shit, that's what I should be doing... going through all the shit that I don't need any more and getting rid of it.

We'll see if I have the energy.

Anyway. I want timmy ho's. Thier chicken stew. In a bread bowl. With an apple fritter for desert. With a coffee.

Anyone care to do a timmy ho's run for me?
I'm sick.
Consider it to be a charitable cause.
like meals on wheels. sorta.


sick2004-05-31 08:13:35 ET

at home.
been fighting a fever since Friday.


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