Cure for what ails ya2004-07-02 08:18:37 ET

The new Cure album is really friggin' good.
Spider-Man 2 was loads of fun. A little long, but I really enjoyed the fact that the story was largely centered around the human aspect of Peter Parker and his struggle at being Spidey.

So I'm working on this long weekend. July 1st I had off (obviously) but thhe studio decided not to let me have today off as well, although all the photographers are away, so there's no one for me to assist... so why am I here?

Whatever. Gotta start packing tonight. I move in with theGirl in 4 weeks. It still seems well enough away, but it isn't. And I'm still feeling a bit nervous about the whole thing. Hopefully she'll be able to put up with me. I barely put up with me.

Anyway. Back to my none-work.

Mystic River2004-06-16 14:17:34 ET

K, Clint Eastwood is friggin' talented.
I'm listening to the soundtrack to Mystic River, which is easily my favourite movie in recent years. The film is filled with incredible moments and superb performances. If you have not yet seen this movie, you might as well bludgeon yourself with a crowbar.
Aside from the movie being incredible, Mr. Eastwood is a talented composer. His soundtrack, of mostly piano solos mixed with orchestral movements, is inspired by simplicity and emotion.

I rarely pick up a score, but when I do, they always turn out to be really friggin' good.


So Athlete's World is making my days run long. I've been shooting hats and backpacks for Bata, which owns Athlete's Foot. I hate backpacks now. And NBA hats can got to hell.

At least I'm shooting. But it's tiring work. And I realise how out of practice I am at shooting tabletop merchandise. It's like running a marathon when you haven't trained in year.

Think I'll take some Advil™.

So it begins...2004-06-15 15:58:21 ET

I'm starting packing today.
I'm not sure I'm emotionally prepared for this.
As much as I want to move in with theGirl, I'm not sure I want to leave here. And after I leave, I can never come back to this home. This house will go to someone else, with its memories, my memories, locked in its walls.

I grew up here. Came home at late hours here. Partied here. Had my triumphs and my downfalls here.

You can make many different places into a home. But the memories you put into that home, they get locked there.

To never return to a "home" can be upsetting.

I'm not sure how I'll take this.

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