5:15 The Angels Have Gone2004-03-18 07:39:48 ET

Just wanna share the lyrics to one of my favourite db songs

I'm changing trains
This little town
Let me down
This foreign rain
Brings me down

Train overdue
Angels have gone
No ticket
I'm jumping tracks
I'm changing towns
We never talk anymore
Forever I will adore you

All of my life
Angels have gone
I'm changing trains
Angels like them
Thin on the ground
All of my life
All legs and wings
Strange sandy eyes

Train overdue
Angels have gone
We never talk anymore
Forever I will adore you
Cold station
All of my life
Forever I'm out here forever


this just in....2004-03-17 03:42:14 ET

Okay, a quick update.... my brother hasn't been officially nominated. He's being considered for a nomination. He thought he'd been nominated, but was mistaken, and I was so excited that I let the cat out of the bag a wee bit early. Sorry.

Send big hugs to theGirl cause heavy shit is happening on her end.

Aside from that...


Today's the day we commemorate St. Paddy, for converting all those happy Irish Pagans into miserable Irish Roman-Catholics. But it's the one day that pisses off the Orangemen the most, so have a pint anyway!

Hey, it's me!2004-03-17 03:31:14 ET

K, I'm just flattered immensely by this....
So everyone should go and take this quiz, and see who you come up with!

You are The Cheshire Cat! You are a smooth,
intelligent and good-natured Canuck. Your
personality endears you to many and you make
friends easily. Youre a creative person, apt to
have a camera with you at any given time, and
are known for being a trustworthy friend that
one can always turn to.

Which member of the Canadian community on Subkultures.net are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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