steele dog on film    2003-09-11 12:02:50 ET
gettin a web cam tonight. grrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! i'm excited!!!!!

     2003-09-09 14:21:53 ET
we had concert band today. the new commander at least is going to have us play some challenging music. He keeps talking about putting on all these concerts. I think he might just be ambitious, because he's never been in a division band and doesn't know how busy we keep. I would love to get to travel around again though. we did that a lot for a while, but then we stopped for some reason. When I first got to my unit, we travelled a lot.

on another note, does anyone remember the band The Why Store? They were really big back home in Indiana. But whenever a group is big close to home you never know if they are a local thing or they are that popular everywhere.

 I'm calm like a bomb    2003-09-08 08:47:56 ET
wow wowm wikka wow wowm wikka wikka wikka...
come wit it now

 i know your heart    2003-09-07 18:42:00 ET
and herein lies the great facade...
great deciever, where do you hide your wings?

 bbq recovery    2003-09-07 18:37:41 ET
need water.

bbq rocked! lots of people showed up.
whiskey and food. my stomach is tore today, b.

tomorrow is day one with the new commander. yuk

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