Dodge duck dip dive and DODGE
2005-07-17 07:50:20 ET

I just got to see that movie a few days ago. Dodgeball is funny. And Vince Vaughn = hero.

"You're about as useful as a poopie flavored lollipop!"

"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!"

"I've got some prostitutes in the back room if you wanna join me, Peter"

"If an impromptu carwash doesn't raise $50,000, then it must just not be in the cards."


I'm such a dork for this kind of stuff.

<3 Robot Chicken. And other shows of random BS. Life is good.

EDIT: I just cleaned my apartment last night, and it's SO nice in here!!! About 9 bags of trash outside, but finally NO MORE FLIES EVERYWHERE!!! w00t!

2005-07-14 13:50:54 ET

If you have never heard of the decemberists, now is the time. Go to Ares and download "Mariner's Revenge Song" By Decemberists. If you don't, god will come from my eyeballs, and you will fry like an onion ring. This is the ultimate pirate song. Because pirates are cool. Why are you still reading this? Go DOWNLOAD THE FUCKING SONG.

I hate the gay population of statesboro.
2005-07-13 22:59:14 ET

gay men in statesboro suck. I learned today that some guy who I met a while back denied me a job because I was a "douchebag who was bad in bed." Apparently, I had slept with the guy (bullshit) and I sucked in bed. So I didn't get a fucking job. Fuck this town, and fuck gay men. Two faced assholes. I was always so friendly.... :(

2005-03-26 10:52:46 ET

Yay, new picture/avatar. Xanni and his girlfriend Sara. Have fun kids.

Spring break over is over over over....
2005-03-22 21:07:45 ET


Aside from that, I spent spring break with my girlfriend up in atlanta. good stuff. It got pretty boring after about 5 days because her mom became a complete time bomb and went off on the weirdest of things. But all in all, I had a good time.

Oh, did I mention I've become a horrible horrible Magic: the gathering geek? Again!

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