2003-11-16 11:34:22 ET

     2003-11-13 22:06:15 ET
name some good video games? i need more?

     2003-11-13 20:38:20 ET
the only reason you should ever find yourself watching proffessional wrestling is if your HIGH AS HELL!! no other reason...seriously, i know some of you more beer inclined friends think its cool, its not, it should be observed and registered for data collection on men at there stupidest...or it should be observed when at such a state as to totally not care what is happening outside of your own arm reach...as in stoned...

who writes for the wwf or e or whatever, suburban 5th graders who dads own construction companies...

fuck man....they have this ad during wrestling tell you not to do it in your backyard and shit, screw that, i say if you inclined to recreate the splendear of arena wrestling, go at it! climb the house, jump off the 2nd story...hell yeah...i'll video tape...stab your brother with pruning sheers...fuck yeah...do it!! anything to increase your chances of dying young and stupid...i hate you people when you get to be 21 and over...maybe it won't help my generation, but maybe, just maybe, for my kids, it will decrease the moron in jeans and a polo/hawaiin shirt factor at all the fetish events...i am thinking about our kids man....

oh well...this is the world of pain and suffering...

 the jar...    2003-11-10 17:59:13 ET
so what is it half empty, half full, .....water....*shrugs* i don't know, it's words...i going to probably ramble a bit but thats because my instant messengers are strangely silent, but i really wonder, how much of our lives are purely fiction filler crap, inventions of our minds ... maybe a while ago i would have said none of it is, but the more i watch, the more i'm pretty sure, most of it is...

i've thought of following that example, tracing how much of my world was an invention of my mind, but its a very subtle thing to pick up on, you have to watch not only the world around you but the motions of your own mind, i have the haunting feeling that all of it is...that the whole world is a projection of my own mind...

sometimes this feeling is re-intrepreted in my mind, sometimes i feel that its the reverse, that i can view the whole universe with only my mind, a single mind seeing all others...not intimately rending single minds, but just feeling like an extension of a larger whole...

either way i'd say i'm not one of those people who believes in a god entity...i find the idea of something or some one watching and planning all of this history as detestable... i would say i side more with the ideal that this world is the world of pain and suffering

     2003-11-08 21:59:02 ET
up late as always....

nothing to do, read, listen to music, check the IM's every four minutes...i wonder how alienated everyone feels thanx to the internet...

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