2003-07-08 15:43:27 ET

the tornado's are coming right for me!!!!!


*LOL* heh heh...cool...

     2003-07-05 22:04:41 ET
one more thing...just one for tonight...well along with the other one...below this one...

when did the internet become one long pop up....

i mean...i've been watching this one happen slowly...it was pretty small, out of the way...maybe up at the top here...or down along the bottom...but now...its just one long pop up add...

there no content on the internet any more, its all been taken down and replaced with links that lead to pop ups so wide and so varied that you don't even remember what page they originated from...

its like some one came in...and removed the content...to give space to...ads for people who want me to have a larger penis...ads for people who want me to look at there porn...with my longer penis now...and ads that can hook me up with people in my local area...most likely involving the larger penis....

did some one just walk into the internet room and start selling to ME directly....jesus what have i been waiting for...all these wonderful products...

i wonder if there some way i can download them all....oh wait..its called email...email lets me have all these products on my computer...my extension of my creative self...

my tool

my appliance

is sponsored now by people who want me to have all sorts of fun with myself...by...myself...or i can pay..and have fun with some one else...who most likely...is just down the hall, in there room, with the shiny box...bored stiff off there asses...

 oh my god...becky look at her...    2003-07-05 21:02:17 ET
when did we become a country that exists solely on selling packaging to itself...i must have missed this some where a long the line....i mean i know we've been selling dumb shit to each for awhile, but....seriously, do i really need each hot dog individually wrapped...ah...whoa...when did this start happening...hot dogs...individually wrapped...with explict instructions on how to microwave them...the proper way to microwave them...i don't know what disgusts me more...

thats there a market for this product

that theres some one out there...some one person...who can't combine a microwave and a hot dog with out instructions


and whats further, the worst part of this whole scam, the worst part...is that this company and there individually packaged, less hot dog more plastic, product, are helping to define what i watch on television....like some how our airwaves have become so cheap, our time so ....valueless... that we should even entertain the notion of individual packaged hot dogs....its like i've become a pocket for shitty idea's

...hey your up late...here watch this...that sucks huh...hey did you know....i mean if you ever had the need...they make hot dogs...packaged....individually...

oh fuck i just said it the magic number of times...now i'm starting to fucking believe that there might be a need for this...i mean i think i just sold this product to myself...hell this product sells itself...i mean shit every theres a hot dog...in need of....package...the answer could be met...with this product...fuck i get scared just thinking about it...all the hot dogs out there not pre-packaged...just...swimming... swimming in there hot dog...water...with all there little hot dog friends...the thought of that...just sickens me....UGHHH!!!! i wish some one had a FUCKING solution to this dilemna....

just do a web search and see what we get...


there it is folks...and look whats written on the bottom of the freaking page...read that...


 a short story    2003-07-02 23:40:56 ET
it was a fucking dust bowl, big blue sky and dust. It wasn't sandy enough in this area to kick up much of a sand storm, but the dust storms were amazing, and sometimes it would carry the cutty edge of sand from way out...the earth here was baked and cracked, the rim of the desert. Sometimes Zombie would call it the desert of reality, because he felt it was more real out there with the heat and the sand... more real than the post modern rust yard that housed us and the plastic slick candy coated objects of our ritual lives...Zombie just worked here though he constantly reminded me, and he didn't know anything...


     2003-07-02 19:21:24 ET
alright i do this every once and a while, and well my capacity to create art out of stock images has surpasses my ability to make my camera spit out stock photos soo...

if you have a pic you want/or think i would enjoy editting please send it over, i'm officially bored out of my skull...

preferable pictures are over 640 by 480 and have more of you in it than a head and two shoulders....

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