I'm babysitting    2006-07-27 08:57:32 ET
It's never fun being the closest friends to a couple going through a divorce.

laundry, packing books, and taking the kids swimming is on my list of things to do today.
First, we are introducing them to Labrynth. Every child should see that movie

 until next week.    2006-07-15 08:30:57 ET
I leave for camp today. In about an hour. We've already had a fire threat near the confrence site. thankfully the firemen got that out.

There has been so much that has gone wrong in the buildup to this week that I am beyond worring about what if anything goes wrong. I am sure that if something can go wrong it will. So instead of stressed I am looking forward to the week of 260 highschool kids, no sleep, lots of work, and water balloons. (water balloons is a Must)

Thoes of you who pray, keep our camp in mind, Some really good stuff always happens with these kids every year. in one week we've shown kids there is strength to walk away from drug addictions and eating diorders.

This is going to be a good week.
1 comment

 Silly Boy    2006-07-06 09:35:07 ET
I was havng a conversation with our temporary roommate about chores. He asked what chores we wanted him to do. I informed him that Dave and I don't assign chores and that if he saw something that needed to be done. to do it. I, being at home most of the day, do alot of the cleaning anyway so I am not concerned. He then told me about a couple of the places he lived with a bunch of guys and how the cleaning always tended to just not happen. He told me about how female friends that would come to hang out would end up doing their dishes and the like. He explained to me that girls do dishes and something like autopiolot went into effect when they saw that the dishes needed to be done.

I laughed. Then I explained that whoever did his dishes happened to like someone in the house. I very nicely informed him that girls are not born programmed to do dishes. He blushed.

I think I have figured out part of the reason he doesn't have a girlfriend.

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