AT school again
2002-11-13 08:35:26 ET

yes im at school again and indeed it does sucks but yeah i havent been on in hella days becuse my internets been down for like a week at my house so i was like i need to get on here and tell people things so yeah fuck the god damn bell just rang i guess im gonna have to finish this up later fucking school

2002-11-01 20:58:09 ET

yeah so school sucked as it always does i was happy though causethis really cute guy named kyle was talking to me today i mean he talks to me everyday and shit but i dunno i kinna like him in a way even though i know i have a boyfriend but nothing will happen with that
acctually my b/f was pissing me off today but anyways other than that i got to see sexy jovito, simon, emily, clark, joe, and krysta itwas great fun and yeah we went to the secret spot and got elevaded it was really really fun then we came back here and didnt relaly do much andmy mom got drunk and started talking to my friends and i kept fucking telling her to fucking go to bed then she flipped me off and that pissed me off so i did it back to her then she finally left hahaha i hate mymom but anyways yeaheveryone just left and im fucking tired so tired so i think that i might go to sleep now

At school
2002-11-01 08:35:51 ET

yeah im at school it sucks just wanted to type this wishcracks is here with me she says hey later

2002-10-31 20:39:37 ET

halloween was so great its not as fun as i thought that it was going to be but it was great like i got to hang out with emily, joe, alex, clark, and krysta we all gotreally elevaded i mean really elevaded but yeah i was suppose to got fade with my friends chris and damien but since im grounded i had to come in hella early and damien didnt get off of work till 7:30 and i didnt have a ride to his house which sucks but oh well i will be getting faded on saturday for emilys birthday but yeah im kinna tired from walking a lot and well getting elevaded but yeah later

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