stand the hell by    2003-06-06 09:48:30 ET
Today I had CQ (charge of quarters) duty, so I sat at the front desk and answered the phone. yes,, sir....
Anyway, we had a ceremony (shocker) so i got to leave for a bit. Plus, Chief loves days off, so I was outta there by 1130! Sweet. As I'm sure you all know, tonight (well and tomorrow) is my big date night. I'm nervous as hell. ...."but what if she doesn't like me, what if I screw it up?? or say something stupid or don't look good??? *SMACK*........PULL IT TOGETHER SOLDIER! whew. sorry about that......... Anyway, I really like this girl so far and am kinda nervous. Hopefully everyting goes well.---------On another note I get to cash a mad check today. God bless tax returns!!! woo hoo!

 smokin and jokin    2003-06-05 10:54:34 ET
I'm not on the gig tonight. thankfully! The band has yet another ceremony tonight at "O dark thirty". We will probably perform about 02:00. I'm off the job though, because its a cut down band and I played the last one. Went out and bought some new fly kicks yesterday for this weekend. I just needed some new dress shoes also. I'm starting to get a little nervous about my date. Hope that I don't screw it up. haha I'm such a pessimist...................and He shall imprison you and condemn you to death to test your mettle.

 false motivation. Hooah sergeant!    2003-06-04 13:08:02 ET
did you know that when you smile even when you don't want to that it releases (dopamine or seretonin, not sure which) in your brain which lightens your mood. you do it enough and it forces you to be happy. cool huh? On another note. Does anyone know where I can find some cool assassin-style clothing? I am going to get some clothes altered, but I need ideas and was unsure if it was even on the market.

 Band...Aah-Tench--HUH    2003-06-04 07:28:03 ET
The ceremony went off without a hitch last night. This morning was way too early though. I think it was just exerting too much energy last night and then haveing to get up early and do it all again. We played another ceremony for General Durbin's changing of command. The temperature wasn't too hot, so it could've been a lot worse (like yesterday, GOODNIGHT!!!). The Band sounded good today. We are now off work, wahoo!!! Chief loves comp time! Our commander rocks!!! Easy day! I plan on going shopping for some new, fly dress shoes in a bit. hot date this weekend. wah dah tah

 shout outs    2003-06-03 12:30:13 ET
Thank you all so much for giving me such a warm welcome to the site!! Insomnia, Seraphina, and Jolie you are awesome. [Vasa} you are just a big Brazilian attack yeti. haha just kidding Thanks a bunch man! You all are awesome!
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