2002-08-19 19:07:39 ET

i guess i should add an entry..
i've been melancholy these past few days and the thought of leaving my house makes me want to break down.. yet i hate being here. i don't understand.. ashley made me a new cd today and i decided that i wanted dread locks.. that would look awesome. *Graham* called me today.. i miss him so very much.. meh life's playing a hard game these past days

2002-08-17 08:41:29 ET

I guess i am feeling pretty disoriented.. and confused somewhat. i'm so depressed and i have no absolute reason why really. graham is coming back in two weeks! yay i miss him.. yesterday i went shopping with ass. it was great fun. i bought a nice big book.. "the Greatest horror stories" mm yummy. its so great
last night at work there was a huge flood.. the grease traps were blocked up and no one could get through so everyone was moping up the water and vaccuming it up.. it was so gross.. i was having panic attacks while iw orked... it was very scary.. i think that going on the medications would be a good idea.
god i miss graham..
whats this life for? really.

current music : Rammstein

l liars blow l
2002-08-13 19:24:29 ET

i want her here so badly. i miss her little smile and little laughter.. its brutality being so far away when there is nothing i can do. i can't see her or anythign and its like no one understands but him.. and he is gone for a month.. all the good things were taken away. i can't cry. i can't sleep. damn this night. damnit it straight into the dirt

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