Scabbies and rabbies    2004-06-28 20:48:54 ET
So whows going to bats day and the anime convention ?? do tell i want to geet a group going !

 Dead as a door nail    2004-06-25 22:36:40 ET
I just went out today. I wanted to buy some clothes but had no money. I want to buy a trantula to...hummm..I think I name it azreal if I did. I spent most the night just hangging out and whatever....shigh whatever.

 Eye for a fucking dead man    2004-06-24 20:17:01 ET
Some ass hole at my work took my Gameboy advance, not to mention the game in it was not mine. I will kill tat walking peace of shit when I see him. Swithblade sex is need for this arsehole !!

 Deconstructing    2004-06-22 08:44:59 ET
Life seems to be drainning out of me because of recent events. I feel so sad.

 JOb maybe    2004-06-21 16:52:02 ET
So I got an interview setup at hottopic for thuesday at 2:30 ...hummmm... Pam (Divinedecay) said you had to stand out. Weird because Gerixx always tells me that I stand out more then others.He says I carry a passion and as we know passion is love. Hummm...well if they hire certain people there they will most likely hire me. So I can stand out more then most good luck to me hahahah

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