2002-08-02 21:41:03 ET


talk amongst everyone...

I swear he's ALBINO!!!2002-08-01 04:57:43 ET

Check out this little number I did...

Did it using This animation program the-N's got. My folks hate it because they think he's "pulling a Michael-Jackson" I don't care I like it....

Take you ridin' in the car-car, take you ridin' in the car!!!2002-07-29 16:27:10 ET

This is what I got:

This.....Well this is funny.....
1 comment

eeeeeeew guessy what?2002-07-29 11:19:50 ET

Check this out...I just heard A&F's been making thongs fer little girlses, discuss...

hmmmmmm......2002-07-23 16:50:44 ET

A couple of things:

Eine: If my chick is reading this and her AIM is freaking out like it usually does she should eMail me: beedrill5er@netscape.net

Zwei: SK users, check out this amusing game Seraphina and I are playing...

und Drei: If a certain somebody does so much as either get Courier as a font or put an AlphaSmart in her background, I'm going teh be scared......

2002-07-21 07:21:35 ET



I never knew, she's gone
She's flown away
Everyone said she's not
Your kinda girl
I'm so alone, this girl
Is flowing fear
Everyone said
She fucked up this time

It's my brand new world
And it's my brand new world
This way

I'll never change, it's wrong
So go away
Everyone said she's not
Your kinda girl

I've tasted love, it burns
I'm so afraid
Everyone said
She fucked up this time

It's my brand new world
And it's my brand new world
This way

I think this fucking witch knows
The way
And everything I feel
It's all mind

.......bloody hell?2002-07-21 07:08:04 ET

supposedly demiTori came back...or her name at least became available in AIM for some 10 seconds...then she left...hmm...

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