poor misguided fools    2005-01-23 09:51:38 ET
Well, today was an interesting day indeed...

Didnt go to bed until 8:30am -- I woke up at 12:30. Cooked Oğuz breakfast, he complained of it being over cooked and full of eggshells (overcooked, yes but eggshells??...). Later, we went outside out of the dungeon (our ground floor shitty window apartment) to find about 5 inches of snow or so -- a snowball fight developed. We went inside, I was still angry about why I was up so late the night before (ie lover quarrel #1536 - "ewww my girlfriend just farted" "sorry, I have PMS"), and Oğuz wanted to know what was wrong, so you know, I told him -- I feel unappricated and unloved after the things I do that I really dont have to do for him. He apologizes, I cry, he wants to take me to the movies and dinner. I agree.

30 minutes later, we go to a café -- tavuk döner was eaten. Guys were looking at me, but I didnt realize it. We left to go to the movie nextdoor, Oğuz is angry wont tell me why. A scene develops, we finally go to the movie theater, sit down to see a Turkish comedy (it was really good). AFter the previews I took his hand, and just prayed to God that this wouldnt be like the last argument we had ("well you should just go back to America then"). He squeezes my hand tightly and whispers "Im sorry", I start to cry. Luckily enough for me, it was dark, there were lots of families with small children mumbling, and I had on waterproof mascara.

We started home -- everything had frozen over like ice (the people bridges, sidewalks, roads). We chatted about the movie, all seemed fine. I said...

B: Oğuz
O: hmmm?
B: why do you get so angry at me?

On and on -- it was a big misunderstanding it ends up. I originally sat myself across from and in eye view with 2 perverted guys -- that was not my intention and I had no idea, I just wanted to sit next to O. Upon getting the food I knew something was wrong, he wouldnt tell me (men), etc, etc. And yeah, we worked out every detail and now things are fine AND I AM HAPPY!

So yeah, just got an email from my mom and Gramma. Gonna start writing back (my emails are never just emails -- theyre usually at least 2 pages long). And yep. Gonna attempt hot chocolate I think -- wait, nevermind. No cocoa. Tumblefucker. Looks like tea... again.

Maybe I have some little lemon cookies at home to go with them? That would be nice... hmmmm

İyi geceler (goodnight), its 10:00pm here


 Helinime tutun nefrete... ayrılımayız bız.    2005-01-22 07:52:30 ET
So yeah, what has this past week taught me?

Im a lazy, piece of SHIT. Im supposed to be studying school at home... havent touched the books for 3 weeks. I need to write letters home... havent done that since I got here. Im supposed to be on a diet... guess who had 2 etipuf, a candybar, tons of pretzels, and a shitload of cheese -- ME. I need to clean my room (our room)... welp, nope hasnt happened yet. And, I need to start leaving my boyfriend alone so he can do his thesis... guess who never leaves him alone? Me. Yep.

Im gonna go research to see if my cat is pregnant and clean my room. Blah.


 ADDICTED....    2005-01-20 07:26:58 ET
...TO ZUMA!!!!!!!


 istanbul seni hapsetmiş, eski bir banda kaydetmiş    2005-01-20 05:32:34 ET
"İstanbul" - Pamela Spence

bir ortak geçmişimiz var, bir de hep açık yaralar.
kendine hatırlattığın: fazla parlamış anılar!
karşıma her yerde çıkan otuz yaş ustu adamlar,
"hep seni sevmiştim" diyen, bir şeyler bekler bakışlar!

yerçekimine yenik üstün, basın,
bir de hep güzel tınlamış adın, adın!
cebinde bir tek numaran kalmış artık,
herkes için bir tadımlık!

istanbul seni hapsetmiş, eski bir banda kaydetmiş
yüzlerce binlerce insan aman allah hep bu şarkıyı söylemiş
istanbul seni kaybetmiş, ilaçlayıp berbat etmiş
davul gibi gerilen derini aman allah kimbilir kimler inletmiş?

eğer "sana ihtiyacim var" dersen; her an gelebilirim.
kendinden bir vazgecersen eğer; gercekten sevebilirim.
aşkimi gordugun zaman, yenilmiş olman farketmez.
kendini sevmezsen eğer; kimse gercekten affetmez!

yerçekimine yenik üstün, basin,
bir de hep güzel tınlamış adın, adın!
cebinde bir tek numaran kalmış artık,
herkes için bir tadımlık!

istanbul seni hapsetmis, eski bir banda kaydetmiş
yüzlerce binlerce insan aman allah hep bu şarkıyı söylemiş
istanbul seni kaybetmiş, ilaçlayıp berbat etmiş
davul gibi gerilen derini aman allah kimbilir kimler inletmiş?

 first entry....    2005-01-19 11:25:43 ET
...and I have a question for anyone and everyone reading. Seriously. I dont mean to piss anybody off or rub salt into an open wound, but what does the majority of SK think about Bush?

I ask because I never looked at the situation OUTSIDE of the US, and now that I do, he's an idiot. The news at home is so SENSORED. Ive seen video footage of soilders blowing off children's heads, and then LAUGHING about it. Ive seen worse than that here, and I know that once I came to Ankara in September, I was offically anti-Bush. No questions asked.

Now they're talking about war in Iran... what do you think??? I wanna know what somebody thinks PLEASE. There arent too many people here I can talk to (my Turkish isnt very good). My boyfriend and I have discussed it in depth, so many times (dont wanna beat the horse TOO much now).

Yeah so somebody tag me back with what they think, I REALLY wanna know!

SK Rocks

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