General life update.2009-04-03 12:40:29 ET

So I pretty much stopped posting once I lost my job and moved back in with my folks in Monterey. Now I'm trying to start again, I've moved back up to SanJose with a college friend and his girlfriend. I haven't been able to find another job yet, but unemployment has been treating me well and I've only really been looking for an awesome job when any job will do.

In other Jules related news I have been smoking too much dope and started playing WoW. Also someone thinks I owe them six kilo-dollars.

2009-03-28 23:31:48 ET

Fine then.
I'll post again.

P.S. I missed you.

2008-09-19 14:41:27 ET


tweet2008-08-08 18:18:37 ET

A few days ago I bought a bag of bird seed with the intent of building a bird feeder. I placed some of the feed on my porch railing to try and attract some wildlife to the new food source. Not a single bird showed up until today when I put up a feeder. How ever, they have all only been eating the seed on the rail.

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