Anomalism 11-21    2003-11-21 00:48:33 ET
We've had an offer in on a house in the country, our dream house in the country. It is a 4 bedroom 3 bath house built in 1870 and it has 5 wooded acres with cliffs and boulders. Well our offer was excepted (praise the Lord very much). Now for all the complicated stuff, the house is gutted so we have to have a huge lot o stuff done before we can move. It looks like I'm going to be learning how to do way more remodeling than I ever wanted to know. Moohooha adventures ahead. More details later.

 Anomalism 11-6    2003-11-06 15:49:48 ET
Just did 300 pushups, must do 100 more. My head hurts and Mouse the cat wants fed. In other news we are waiting to see if our offer on a house is accepted. We're pretty jazzed, it was built in 1870 and has 5 acres, we bid 88,000. Now Baldric the other cat is noojing me wanting food. I need to eat my self, must do pushups first.

 Anomalism 10-31    2003-10-31 15:30:24 ET
I finaly got the pic of my son to load, he left last thurs for Norfolk and his first ship. It was good to have him home for 2 weeks, don't know when he'll get to come home again. My other son went out trick or treating after he passed out all the stuff we had. He put on all the camo stuff that he wear most every day plus 2 bandoliers of live amo. I will try to get a pic.

 Anomalism 10-15    2003-10-15 18:05:51 ET
No sooner than I do my yellow jacket stories than I have a new battle with them. They finaly put the axle on my old work trailer(after 2 months). So I transfer my stuff to it, and I'm out working and stuff no big deal. Now the back door is also a ramp, and every time I open it I see a yellow jacket crawling on it. So I start smashing them cuz apparently they have decided to over winter inside the door. Well damnit its my door, fortunatly it was coolish and they were slow or they'd a kicked my ass cuz it was a 30 to 1 disadvantage. But I did prevail and they were vanquished this time. We'll see about next.

 Anomalism 10-10    2003-10-10 17:46:07 ET
Did you ever try to kill a yellow jacket with a hat? It was all I had at the time, I was driving my work truck (which broke down again today) and this damn yellow jacket flew in front of my face. Of course rose thorns hurt worse than yellow jacket stings, but still I can't have the distraction when driving (notice how I excuse my violence) so I have to swat it with my hat. Got him a good one against the far window and he hits the seat all curled up and falls to the floor. I figure he's done right? so I'm driving alog a few minutes later and I glance over cuz I see movement and guess who? He, she, it has crawled back up on the seat and is shaking it off and straightening its antenae like "yea dat was rough but I'll be okay in a minute". I'm thinking okay you lived but no way are you going to fly away from that hit, it did!

My other yellow jacket story happened when I was string trimming along the flower beds at a property that I mannage and now picture this. I'm moving to my right trimming away when out of the corner of my eye to the right I see this yellow jacket flying low and slow on an intersect course with my string. I'm thinking "this could be good" so my course is steady and keep in mind this immanent encounter is like being hit with a baseball bat at 750 mph, its gonna cut you in half but not sharply. So closer and closer and smack!, my eye follows the torso which tumbles up and forward and thats interesting but the realy freaky part is where the back half went. It flew straight and true right at my eyeball and stuck to my safty glasses with the stinger sticking out and every thing. I mean you can't make up better stories than the wierd shit that just happens .

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