Adrenalin, I love it!    2003-07-11 19:43:40 ET
I just got home from TJ's fab birthday party. I know I promised not to ride my bike home but I couldn't resist. About Fremont and 7th there was no traffic, so calm...I needed to go fast. It was almost entirely a downhill ride so I made it home in about a half hour. Nice, easy, didn't even break a sweat. And hey, I didn't hit any cars! :-D

 Oops!    2003-07-11 13:09:46 ET
No show today because I have this guy's party to attend. I'll try not to flake next week.

 Hubble Bubble Life is Hard Life is Trouble    2003-07-10 15:01:14 ET
I have been indulging my DR side since late last night. I ripped a lot of Alien Sex Fiend for my mp3 library, got a little Christian Death in there too. All those songs have been loaded into Winamp and been playing continuously. Today was spent when I woke up ripping some songs off of some crappy Cleopatra comps that I intend on getting rid of tonight at Everyday Music before heading over to Nocturnal.

 As if...    2003-07-10 00:01:36 ET
I had an odd and adventurous night tonight. It all started out good with a proposed trip to the beach that I cancelled due to the fact that I felt it was too late in the day to go. Traffic on 26 out of town would have been hell. But, instead of going to the beach I was fed steak. Thanks Andy! :)

Tonight I had to remind myself why I don't go to Embers anymore. The bullshit was flying thick and I suddenly felt like I was back in high school. I left to watch Micha and Laura consume happy hour food a couple of blocks away at a nice little Chinese bar. I was invited to consume too but was still full from the steak earlier. By the time I got back to Embers it felt like it had gotten ten times crazier in there, so I had to duck out while I still felt sane, drunk, but sane...If I didn't say bye to anyone I'm sorry.

But anyway, it was very good to get out and see my peeps. I love Laura, Andy, TJ, Emily, Micha, and Lincoln tonight. You guys do a lot to make me smile. Thanks.


     2003-07-08 23:20:10 ET
I'm on. Listen.

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