Hexidecimal to decimal and binary!
2002-10-29 08:18:57 ET

I'm so special, see? I can do THIS!

00 90 27 99 D4 DC -Hexidecimal

0 144 39 153 212 220 -Decimal

0000000 10010000 001000000 10011001 11010100 11011100 -Bin

conversion! Exciting, isn't it?

How to find god
2002-10-28 08:57:48 ET

Alright, so I'm talking to this girl after class, and she's like... been homeschooled since first grade, since she does not believe in evolution (how can you NOT believe in evolution?) and she's a christian. So the next day, I'm talking to her again, and she tells me that god told her to pray for me while she was cleaning out her closet, and brought me a book! "How to find god" I feel special, I really do.

STEP 1: Look under bed
STEP 2: Look in closet
STEP 3: If god is not under the bed or in the closet, repeat the steps above.

Other than that, I'm sitting in class right now, learning how to do hexadecimal. Love that Cisco.

Help Xani study for a test
2002-10-15 08:05:08 ET

Quick! Everyone tell me everything you know about switches, bridges, routers, tranceivers, hubs, and repeaters!

2002-09-12 08:01:51 ET

A pre algebra class that I was taking this quarter, I don't see how it is POSSIBLE for most of the class to fail. Not only fail the class this time, but some of the people in there have failed the same class FOUR times already! It's pre algebra for god's sake!

Finals an oh such fun!
2002-09-06 06:33:45 ET

Well, the summer quarter at the college is almost up, and I THINK finals are all next week. I have to make up a math test I missed last week in about thirty minutes.

I miss Atlanta, I want to go back.. I need something to do badly. Bored..bored...bored..bored...bored

That proves my point, I actually got some fun out of typing bored five times.

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